William C. Torch, M.D., M.S.
Technical Advisor
Reno, NV
B.S. (Cum Laude) in Chemistry, Brooklyn College, City University of New York, 1960- l964;
M.S. in Neurochemistry, Dept of Biochemistry & Center for Brain Research, U. of Rochester, l966-1968. M.S. Thesis and subsequent papers entitled: “Effect of Sodium, Calcium and Aluminum Chlorides on the Rate of Formation, Stability and Electrical Resistance of Black Lipid Membranes”, and subsequent paper, “Lipid Phase Transitions: The Macromolecular Basis for Nerve Conduction and other Membrane Phenomena”, December 23, 1969.
M.D. with Distinction in Research, U. of Rochester, School Medicine & Dentistry, Rochester, N.Y. 1964-l970.
Straight Pediatric Internship, Dept. of Pediatrics, Massachusetts Gen, Hospital, Boston, Mass. l970-1971.
Research Fellow & Clinical Resident in Child Psychiatry, Dept. of Psychiatry, Mass. Gen. Hosp. l971-1972, including staff privilege as Clinical Fellow at Walter Fernald State School for Retarded Citizens.
Research Fellow, Lt Commander, USPHS, Lab of Cerebral Metabolism, NIMH/NIH, Bethesda, Md. l972-1974.
Resident in Pediatrics, Dept. of Pediatrics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, N.Y., l975-1977.
Resident and Fellow in Child and Adult Neurology, Depts. of Neurology and Division of Child Neurology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, N.Y. l974-1977.
Board of Medical Examiners, State of Nevada, License No. 3902, September l979-present.
Board of Medical Examiners of the State of California, Dept. of Consumer Affairs, License No.G-33141, October l976 (currently inactive).
Virginia State Board of Medicine, Commonwealth of Virginia, License No. 24200, December l973 (currently inactive).
Board of Registration in Medicine, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston, Mass, License No. 33611, August l971 (currently inactive).
Diplomate of the National Board of Medical Examiners; Philadelphia, PA, July, 1971.
Board Eligible in Neurology and Pediatrics, Royal Collage of Physicians and Surgeons (Canada), 1977.
Board Eligible in Pediatrics, American Board of Pediatrics, 1977.
Certificate of Competence in Neurosonology, American Society of Neuroimaging, 1982.
Board Certified in Neurology with Special Qualification in Child Neurology, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Certificate No. 546, 1985.
Board Eligible, Sleep Disorders Medicine, American Board of Sleep Medicine, 1998, 2004. 2013.
Founder and Medical Director, NeuroDevlopmental & NeuroDiagnostic Center, Washoe Professional Center, Reno, NV, May l982.
Founder and Medical Director, Washoe Sleep Disorders Center, Washoe Professional Center, Reno, NV, May l992; first 5-Year Accreditation by the Amer. Sleep Disorders Association, June, l994; with subsequent five year AASM Re-Accreditations in l999, 2004, 2009. & May, 2014
Founder, Eye-Com World Foundation, a to-be philanthropic 501-C3 Tax Exempt Foundation devoted to distribution of Eye-Com & Eyefluence Biosensor, Communicator and Controller products for those in need, Application filed, November, 2010.
Founder, Chairman, Eye-Com Corporation, a Nevada Corporation, developed for R & D and commercialization of the Eye-Com Biosensor, Communicator and Controller, l999.
Founder, Sleep-Management, Inc. a Nevada Corporation, developed for R & D and commercialization of the Sleep-Manager Anti-Jet Lag and Shift Work Fatigue Calculator, l991.
Co-Founder of Helmet Neuro-Protection Technologies, a Nevada LLC, May 2015, founded for development of unique head and neck protection gear for children & adults, to prevent the consequences of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) and progressive dementia in civilian, industrial and military environments.
Active Staff & Consultant Privileges, Child and Adult Neurology, at Renown Medical Ctr. & St. Mary’s Regional Medical Ctr., l979 – present; and previously with North. Nevada Medical Ctr, Reno, NV, Carson Tahoe Hospital, Carson City, NV, Truckee Meadows Psychiatric Hospital, Reno, NV
Director of Neurology, Northern Nevada Medical Center, l998 to 2003.
Medical Director, Northern Nevada Muscular Dystrophy Association, l979 – 2003.
Adjunct Professor status, University of Nevada, Graduate Division (Psychology, Computer Sciences), and School of Medicine (Pediatrics), l988 – 2010.
Instructor, Dept. of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, University of Nevada, 2007-2010.
Assist. Prof. and Director of Child Neurology and Developmental Pediatrics, Dept. of Pediatrics, University of Nevada, School of Medicine, Reno, Nevada, l979-l986.
Clinical Fellow and Assistant Professor in Child Neurology, University of British Columbia, Department of Pediatrics, Vancouver General Hospital, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, l977-1978.
Research Associate, Dept. of Psychobiology, University of California-Irvine, Irvine, Calif., 1978-79.
Research Associate and Lt. Commander Lab of Cerebral Metabolism, Section on Membrane Research, National Institute of Mental Health, NIH, Building 36, Bethesda, Md., 1972-l974.
Lt. Commander-retired, U.S.P.H.S., National Institute Mental Health, NIH, Bethesda, MD., 1972-1974.
American Academy of Neurology
Child Neurology Society
American Academy of Sleep Medicine
National Sleep Foundation
Nevada Sleep Society
American Medical Association
Nevada State Medical Association
Washoe County Medical Society
Nevada Inventors Association
American College of Legal Medicine
NASA Space Consortium, University of Nevada
Civil Aviation Medical Association (CAMA)
Aerospace Human Factors Association
Sections on Oculometrics and Systems Integration, US Army Medical Research and
Materiel Command (USMRMC).
Sarah Jane Brain Foundation Advisory Board (recent invitation)
National Neuro-Trauma Society
American Academy of Neurology
Child Neurology Society
American Academy of Sleep Medicine
National Sleep Foundation
Nevada Sleep Society
American Medical Association
Nevada State Medical Association
Washoe County Medical Society
Nevada Inventors Association
American College of Legal Medicine
NASA Space Consortium, University of Nevada
Civil Aviation Medical Association (CAMA)
Aerospace Human Factors Association
Sections on Oculometrics and Systems Integration, US Army Medical Research and
Materiel Command (USMRMC).
Sarah Jane Brain Foundation Advisory Board (recent invitation)
National Neuro-Trauma Society
President, Nevada Sleep Society, Sponsored by the American Association of Sleep Medicine (AASM), Nominated and elected, November, 2010-2012.
Founder, Moderator and Radio Host, “The Sleep Doctor Show”, A weekly Americom Radio Show devoted to education of the public and medical personnel regarding Sleep Medicine, on Station KJFK, 1230 AM, Reno, Nevada, July 2010 to 2012; approximately 40 one hour long every Sunday radio show.
Co-Developer of Eye-Tracking Update (www.eyetrackingupdate.com), a premier world-wide website for current information and education on eye- and head-tracking technology.
President and Vice President-Elect, Nevada Inventors Association, 2001-2005.
Medical Director, Northern Nevada Muscular Dystrophy Association, 1979-2003.
Member Participant, Mini-Internship Program for Washoe County Medical Society, l995-present.
Member, International Association of Lion’s Clubs, Reno, Nevada, l995..
Member, Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Task Force (CAN-PREVENT), 1998.
Member, Board of Directors, Child Assault Prevention Project (CAP), l995-1996.
Medical Examiner, Nevada Board of Medical Examiner’s l989.
Invited Key Note Speaker, “Think Big” Technology Conference, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, August; to discuss the evolution of the Eye-Com Biosensor, Communicator and Controller Eye-Tracking technology, scheduled for August 2015.
Sleep Review Edition, Journal for Sleep Specialists, Supplemental Addition lead article in “The Best of 2012 Sleep Doctors and Facilities; Inventing the Future of Sleep Medicine” by Tina Page; “Professionals at Washoe Sleep Disorders Center are exploring how sleep deprivation affects cognitive abilities and neurological disorders using the Eye-Com Biosensor-Communicator-Controller eye-tracking system developed by Wm. C.Torch, MD; Researchers are gaining insights into yet another fertile area of sleep research: Story of the Washoe Sleep Disorders Center, Supplement Edition, pp 3-7, April 2012.
Principal Investigator, Phase I NIH/CDC SBIR Program, Grant No. 1 R43 CE 00151-01; Title of Project: “EYE-COM 6/MSV Cam: A Drowsiness-Detecting Biosensor. Purpose: To prove the feasibility of the wearable EC 6 Camera System as a Biosensor to detect oculometric parameters relating to drowsiness, September 30, 2001-March 31, 2003; Total Grant: $100,000
Co-Investigator, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Dept. of Defense US Air Force Grant Fund No. 12011176036, FY’2001; Title of Project: “Non-Invasive Techniques for Monitoring Human Fatigue, “ by Carl Looney, PhD (PI) (U. of Nevada, Dept of Computer Sciences), Qiang, Ji, PhD (U. of Nevada, Dept of Computer Sciences, and Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute) and W. C. Torch, MD (Washoe Sleep Disorders Center). Purpose: To compare the EC 6/7 with a remotely placed IR Sensitive Camera in their reliability to detect ocular signs of drowsiness.
Primary Investigator, Muscular Dystrophy Association Grant; Computed Tomography in Human Muscular Dystrophy and other Neuromuscular Disorders, December 30, 1980.
Primary Investigator, University of Nevada, School of Medicine Research Grant, NIH 5-SO8-RR-09035-03. A Study of the Clinical Pathological Significance of Limbic Anterograde Trans-synaptic Degeneration Following Hippocampal and Fornix Injury in the Cat and Rat, October 18, l979.
Principal Investigator, US Army SBIR Phase I Grant, W81XWH-05-C-0045, Title: “Eye-Com 7 & 8 Biosensor, Communicator and Controller: A Soldier-mounted eye monitoring system for the measurement of drowsiness, sleep onset, inattention and other variable states of consciousness, and for non verbal communication and control.” December 13 to June 12, 2005; SBIR Phase II Fast Track Awarded June 23, 2005. Phase II Award November 13, 2005 to October 12, 2007. Total Grants: $825,000
Principal Investigator, US Department of Defense Congressional Research Initiative Awards, Award No. W81XWH-06-2-0037. Title: “Soldier Mounted Eye-Tracking and Control Systems: Eye-Com Biosensor, Communicator and Controller;” January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2006; Renewed for January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007; January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008; January 1. 2009 to December 31, 2010; January 1, 2010 to September 31, 2012. Total grants: Approximately $15M
Principal Investigator, US Department of Transportation/NHTSA Congressional Research Initiative Awards, NHTSA Cooperative Agreement No. DTNH22-05-H-01424; Title: “Validation of the PERCLOS Loss of Alertness Metric as an Index of Clinical Causes of Driver Impairment”, January 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007. Total Grant: $300,000
Nevada State Recipient for Year 2000, BLUE CHIP ENTERPRISE AWARD, (Sponsored by US Chamber of Commerce, Mass. Mutual Insurance, Fortune Small Business & Entrepreneur Magazines).
William C. Torch, M.D. Nevada Entrepreneur of the Year 2008, Medium Business, Eye-Com Corporation. Sponsored by Reno Gazette Journal, March 10, 2008.
Certificates of Commendation to Dr. William Torch by Senator Harry Reid, Sen. John Ensign and Congressman Dean Heller, in recognition of receipt of the 2008 Nevada Entrepreneur of the Year Award for Medium-size Business and Tibbetts Award for Excellence under National SBIR Programs.
Several personal meetings between Professor Stephen Hawking between 2008-2011 at NASA/Cape Canaveral, FL & Center for Theoretical Cosmology, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England with written agreement (dated February 18, 2011) with Professor Hawking, Center in regard to design and testing of HAWK-EYE EC-7/8 Model Eye-Com Biosensor, Communicator & Controller for personal AAC use.
Tibbetts Award for State of Nevada for excellence in research under the national SBIR Program, by National Small Business Association and Tibbetts Award Committee, Presented at Wyndham Hotel, Washington DC, September 26, 2006.
Senate Recognition of Dr. William C. Torch by Senator Majority Leader, Harry Reid regarding Tibbetts Award in United States Congressional Record. Proceedings and Debates of the 109th Congress, Second Session. Washington, Tuesday, September 26, 2006 No. 122 Vol 182.
William Torch, M.D. Honorable Mention by Senator Reid in Senate Daily Journal. Nevada Legislature Seventy-Fourth Session, 2007. Carson City (Tuesday), February 20, 2007.
Nomination for Nevada Inventor of the Year, by the Nevada Inventor’s Association, 2001.
National Mail Order Association Award for the Sleep Manager Anti-Jet Lag Calculator, l998.
Nevada State Recipient for Year 2000, BLUE CHIP ENTERPRISE AWARD, (Sponsored by US Chamber of Commerce, Mass. Mutual Insurance, Fortune Small Business & Entrepreneur Magazines)
Five Year Accreditation of Washoe Sleep Disorders Center in 1994, with Re-Accreditation in 1999, 2004, 2009 & most recently, May, 2014, by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (formerly the American Sleep Disorders Association).
A.M.A. Physician’s Recognition Awards, l973-1976, l979, l984-1988.
Nominee for Professional of the Year for Advocacy in Child and Neglect, Child Assault Prevention Project, 1994, l996.
Certificate of Appreciation from the Northern Nevada Resource Youth Ministry for Lectures on the need for a Child’s Bill of Rights; Prevention of Child Abuse; Effects of methamphetamines and alcohol abuse in the fetus during pregnancy, l995.
Bill Drafts written in 1995 honor of the “Child’s Bill of Rights” by Nevada Assembly Representative Freeman: BDR R-1637: “Recognizes responsibility of Nevada Legislature to consider options and feelings of children in development of social policy and enactment of legislation relating to issues which affect children”; and BDR R-1281: “Urges Congress to propose amendment to the US Constitution to guarantee certain rights to children of the United States.”
Doctor of Medicine with Distinction in Research, University of Rochester, School of Medicine, New York, l970.
University of Rochester, School of Medicine Scholarships: Whipple Scholarship, Rochester Prize, l964; Harvard Castle Scholarship, l965; Rice Scholarship and Rochester Prize, l968; McFarland Scholarship, Whipple Scholarship, l969; Health Professions Scholarship, l970.
Primary Investigator, University of Nevada, School of Medicine Research Grant, NIH 5-SO8-RR-09035- 03. A Study of the Clinical Pathological Significance of Limbic Anterograde Trans-synaptic Degeneration Following Hippocampal and Fornix Injury in the Cat and Rat, October 18, l979.
Torch, W, Hirano, A and Solomon, S, “Anterograde Trans-neuronal Degeneration in the Limbic System”, in journal, Neurology, Vol. 27, no.12, p, 1157, December 1, 1997.
Torch, WC, Progressive Limbic Anterograde Trans-Synaptic Degeneration Following Hippocampal Injury: A Hypothetical Cause of Progressive Dementia, Memory Loss, Psychosis and Autonomic Dysfunction in Aging and Disease (Review of the literature with 144 cases of Stroke, Trauma, Encephalitis, Kernicterus and Miscellaneous other etiologies), written l977-1978 with recent revisions in progress; with invited Presentations given at the following meetings:
1) 29th Annual Meeting of the Amer.Academy of Neurology, Atlanta, GA, April 1977;
2) 11th World Congress of Neurology, Amsterdam Holland, September l977;
3) US Child Neurology Meeting, Charlottesville, VA, October, l977;
4) 30th Annual Mtg Amer. Academy of Neurology, Los Angeles, CA, April, l978;
5) 2nd National Canadian Conference of Autism, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June l978;
6) 13th Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences, Vancouver, BC, June l978;
7) 8th International Congress of Neuropathology, Washington, DC, September l978.
Reichert, JA, Zimmerman, J. and Torch, WC, A comparison of sleep acquisition and analysis systems and computerized paperless polysomnography, Assoc. of Prof. Sleep Societies, Phoenix, Arizona, May 31, l992.
Zimmerman, J., Torch, WC, A comparison of sleep data acquisition and analysis systems and computerized paperless polysomnography, J. Polysomnographic Technology, pp 30-44, June, l992.
Ballard, T, Gehner, C, Augustus, K, Zimmerman, J, and Torch, WC, Technologist tips for increasing alertness during an all night sleep study. American Journal of Polysomnographic Technologists, l993.
Torch, WC, The Eye-Com Biosensor: Attributes of the ideal human biosensor for monitoring driver vigilance and safety. Presented at the 1st Technical Conference on Enhancing Commercial Motor Vehicle Driver Vigilance, sponsored by the American Trucking Association, the National Highway and Traffic Administration and the USDOT, Hilton Hotel, McLean, Va., December 11-12, l996.
Torch, WC, The Stay Awake PERCLOS Measuring Eye-Com Biosensor, Communicator & Controller: A new technology in the monitoring of drowsiness, sleep- onset, variable states of consciousness and non-verbal communication. Poster Presentation at the Ocular Based Measures of Driver Alertness Conference, Herndon, Va., April 26-27, l999, Sponsored by the Office Motor Carrier Research and Standards, Fed. Hwy. Admin., USDOT, and the Office of Vehicle Safety Research, Washington, DC.
Torch, WC, The Eye-Com PERCLOS-Measuring Biosensor, Communicator and Controller; presented at DEMO ’99, ITS America, at the Transportation Research Center, East Liberty, Ohio, July 26-28, l999.
Russo, M., Torch, W. et al, “Cognitive Performance: The Future Force Warrior in a Network-Centric Environment,” St. Pete Beach, Florida, August 10-12, 2004.
Torch, WC, Use of Oculometric Variables as Measures or Indices of Cognition, presented at a USMRMC sponsored workshop entitled “Cognitive Performance: Force Multiplication through Human-in-the-loop Augmentation,” Caesar’s Palace, Las Vegas between July l9-21, 2005.
Torch, WC, “Eye-Com® Oculometric, EEG and Cognitive-Performance Monitoring of Sleep-Deprived Subjects in a Drive/Flight Simulator Outfitted with Tele-Communications Transmission, Recording and Alerting Technology,” presented at the DoD HFE TAG, SusOps Conference, Aladdin Hotel, Las Vegas, May 17, 2006.
Russo, M, Torch, W, Thomas, M., “Diagnosis and Treatment of Sleep Deprivation”, presented at the Best Clinical Practices Course, American Academy of Sleep Medicine/APSS Meeting ,Salt Lake City, Utah, June 2006.
Torch, W, “Eye-Com Oculometric, EEG & Cognitive Performance Monitoring of Sleep Deprived Subjects in a Drive/Flight Simulator, Presented to Human Systems Integration Division, Space Human Factors Engineering, NASA-Ames Research Center, Moffit Field, Palo Alto, California, June 9, 2006.
Torch, W, “New Technology–Simulators Used for Drive Education, Training and At-Risk Driver Evaluation,” Washoe Medical Center, Reno, NV, July 22, 2006.
Torch, W, “Drive Safety Issues and the Role and Relationship of Sleep Disorders and ADD/ ADHD in Adults and School-Age Students”; presented at the Chicago DuPage Regional Dept of Education and DuPage Hospital-sponsored, Teachers Institute Day School Drive Safety Education Symposium, Chicago Illinois, March 2, 2007.
Torch, W, “On the Role and Relationship of Sleep Disorders and ADD/ADHD in Children and Adults & Bioethics of Treating with Simulants”, presented at the American Professional Sleep Sciences (APSS) Meeting Symposium on Bioethics of Stimulant Therapy, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 12, 2007.
Torch, W., Russo, M, Cardillo, C & Thomas, M. “Eye-Com Biosensor, Communicator and Controller Systems for Assessing Cognitive State via Oculomotor Signals”, in Foundations of Augmented Cognition, Strategic Analysis, Inc. and Augmented Cognition International, Arlington, VA, (ACI), Editor, Schmorrow, D. et al, 4th edition,. ISBN 10:0-9789812-1-9; pp 258-265, 2007.
Torch, W., Soldier Mounted Eye-Tracking & Control Systems: Eye-Com Biosensor, Communicator and Controller; presented at the Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC/MRMC), Ocular Health Product Line Review, Ft. Detrick, Maryland, July 10, 2007.
Torch, W., Russo, M, Cardillo, C and Thomas, M. “Eye-Com Biosensor, Communicator and Controller Systems for Assessing Cognitive State via Oculomotor Signals, presented at the 4th International Augmented Cognition Conference and the 51st Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Baltimore, Maryland, October 1-5, 2007.
Torch, W., Torch, W. and Cardillo, C. (2009). Validation of the PERCLOS Loss of Alertness Metric as an Index of Clinical Causes of Driver Impairment. Technical Report. NHTSA Cooperative Agreement No. DTNH22-05-H-01424.
Torch, W. and Cardillo, C. Eye-Com Technology for Measuring Alertness and Design of a Statistically Derived, Composite Oculometric Fatigue Index (COFI). January 11-15, 2009. Washington, DC. Transportation Research Board – 88th Annual Meeting.
Torch, W. The Eye-Com Biosensor Communicator & Controller as a New Assistive Communications and Controller Technology for the Disabled; 2009 International Conference on New Technologies and Disabilities, California State University-Northridge, Los Angeles, California, March 18, 2009.
Torch, W. and Cardillo, C. Validation of the PERCLOS Loss of Alertness and other Oculometric Measures as an Index of Clinical Causes of Driver Impairment. March 24 – 26, 2009. Boston, Mass. International Fatigue Management in Transportation Operations Conference, Sponsored by the US Department of Transportation and National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration.
Torch, W. and Cardillo, C. Oculometric Measures as an Index of Driver Impairment. April 26-29, 2009. The Hague, Netherlands. 21st World Congress of International Traffic Medicine Association.
Torch, W., Cardillo C., Russo, M., Publicover, N., Gutierrez, E., McMullen Jr., S., Parseghian, Z., and Martin, M., Oculometric Indices Associated with Drowsiness and Performance Vigilance Impairment in Sleep Deprived Normal, Sleep Apnea, Narcolepsy and ADD/ADHD Subjects. 23rd Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Society, Seattle, WA, June 6-11, 2009.
Torch, W., Soldier Mounted Eye-Tracking & Control Systems: Eye-Com Biosensor, Communicator and Controller; presented at the Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC/MRMC), Ocular Health Product Line Review, Ft. Detrick, Maryland, July 2009.
Torch, W. Cardillo, C, Invited Presentation, Oculometric Measures as an Index of Clinical Causes of Driver Drowsiness & Inattention. !st International Conference on Driver Distraction & Inattention; Sept. 28-29, 2009, Goteberg, Sweden..
Torch, W. and Cardillo, C., Chapter 13 in book, Driver Distraction And Inattention: Advances in Research and Countermeasures, Vol. 1, Human Factors in Road and Rail Transport; “Oculometric Measures as an Index of Clinical Causes of Driver Drowsiness and Inattention”. International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention; Ashgate Publishing Group, M. Regan, J Lee & T Victor, Editors, Ashgate Pubishing Group, published, 2013.
Torch, W, “Eye-Com Oculometric, EEG and Cognitive Performance Monitoring of Sleep–Deprived Subjects in Drive/Flight Simulator Outfitted with Tele- Communications Transmission, Recording and Alerting Technology, ” DoD HFE TAG, SusOps Conference, Tempe, Arizona, May 3, 2010.
Torch, W., Soldier Mounted Eye-Tracking & Control Systems: Eye-Com Biosensor, Communicator & Controller; presented at the Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC/MRMC), Ocular Health Product Line Review, Ft. Detrick, Maryland,. May 25, 2010.
Torch, W., Invited Presentation to the Reno Lyons Club, Harrah’s Prospectors Club and Casino Hotel, Reno, Nevada. Title: The Eye-Com Biosensor, Communicator and Controller–An Eye-Tracking Technology in Evolution, July 29, 2010
Torch, W., Invited Grand Rounds Presentation, Stanford University Center for Sleep Sciences and Medicine, and Dept of Psychiatry & Behavior, Palo Alto, California, Title: “Advanced Technology & Validation of a Head-Worn, Eye-Gaze Tracking, Biosensor-Communicator-Controller System with Biomedical, Assistive Neuro-Rehabilitation, Fatigue-Related Transportation/Industrial Safety and Security, Research and Other Personal & Commercial Applications, September 17, 2010.
Torch, W., AAC Control of Computers, Wheelchairs, Electronic and Electromechanical Devices Using the Eye-Com Biosensor, Communicator and Controller. 20011 International Conference on New Technologies and Disabilities, California State University-Northridge, San Diego, California, March 18, 2011.
Torch, W, Invited Presentation, Control of the Willow Garage PR2 Robot by the Eye-Com Biosensor, Communicator and Controller, Robots for Humanity/Eye-Com Project, Willow Garage, Menlo Park, California, April 29, 2011.
Torch, W., Invited Presentation, ALS Clinic, Dept of Neurology, University of California-San Francisco Medical Center, San Francisco, CA, Title: “Advanced Technology & Validation of a Head-Worn, Eye-Gaze Tracking, Biosensor-Communicator-Controller System with Biomedical and Assistive Neuro-Rehabilitation, Research and Other Personal & Commercial Applications, June 3, 2011.
Torch, W., Invited Presentation, Grand Rounds, Oakland Children’s Hospital, Oakland, CA Title: “Advanced Technology & Validation of a Head-Worn, Eye-Gaze Tracking, Biosensor-Communicator-Controller System with Biomedical and Assistive Neuro-Rehabilitation, Research and Other Personal & Commercial Applications, June 7, 2011.
Torch, W., Invited Presentation, Rusk Institute for Rehabilitation Medicine, NYU, New York, NY, Title: “Advanced Technology & Validation of a Head-Worn, Eye-Gaze Tracking, Biosensor-Communicator-Controller System with Biomedical and Assistive Neuro-Rehabilitation, Research and Other Personal & Commercial Applications, September 9, 2011.
Torch, W., Invited Presentation, Renown Regional Medical Center, Reno, Nevada, Title: “Advanced Technology & Validation of a Head-Worn, Eye-Gaze Tracking, Biosensor-Communicator-Controller System with Biomedical and Assistive Neuro-Rehabilitation, Research and Other Personal & Commercial Applications, September 27, 2011.
Torch, W., Invited Presentation, Dept of Neurology, University of California-San Francisco Medical Center, San Francisco, CA, Title: “Evolving Science of Eye-Gaze and Head Tracking Technology & its Potential Use in Medicine: The Eye-Com Biosensor, Communicator and Controller System, November 2, 2011.
Torch, W., Invited Presentations to: 1) Dr. William Dement” Sleep Medicine Course, Stanford Medical Center, 2012, Palo Alto, CA, 2012; 2) Nevada Dental Sleep Medicine Course, Peppermill Hotel and Casino, Reno, NV, 2012.; 3) Renown Medical Center Medicine Grand Rounds Program, Reno, NV, 2012; Rusk Institute of NeuroRehabilitation and Neurology Grand Rounds, Langone Medical Center/NYU School of Medicine, New York City, 2011; Achilles International, New York City, 2012,
Torch, W. and Cardillo, C., Invited Presentation, “Oculometric Measures as an Index of Clinical Causes of Driver Drowsiness and Inattention”, presented at the First International Congress on Driving Distraction and Inattention, September 28-29, 2009, Gothenberg, Sweden, sponsored by SAFER, Chalmers University, and Volvo Group Trucks Technology, Sweden.
Torch, W. and Cardillo, C., “Oculometric Measures as an Index of Clinical Causes of Driver Drowsiness and Inattention”, in Book Publication, “Driver Distraction and Inattention: Advances in Research and Countermeasures, Volume 1, Chapter 14, pp 229-249, ISBN 978-1-4094-2585-4 (hardback) and ISBN 978-1-4094-2586-1 (e-book); Ashgate Publishing Co., Surrey, England and Burlington, VT, M. Regan, J. Lee and T. Victor, Editors, Published, January, 2013.
Torch, W., Abstract, Invited Presentation at National NeuroTrauma Society Symposium, Santa Fe, New Mexico, June 27-July 2, 2015, entitled, “Progressive Limbic Anterograde Transynaptic Degeneration (LATND): A Neuro-pathological and Neuro-Radiological Biomarker in Hippocampal Disease and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)-Induced Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy and Dementia”,
Torch, W., Abstract, Invited Poster Presentation at National NeuroTrauma Society Symposium, Santa Fe, New Mexico, June 27-July 2, 2015, entitled, “Progressive Limbic Anterograde Transynaptic Degeneration (LATND): A Neuro-pathological Biomarker in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)-Induced Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy and Dementia” (Part I of II).
Torch, W., Abstract, Invited Poster Presentation at National NeuroTrauma Society Symposium, Santa Fe, New Mexico, June 27-July 2, 2015, entitled, “Progressive Limbic Anterograde Transynaptic Degeneration (LATND): A Neuro-pathological Biomarker in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)-Induced Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy and Dementia” (Part II of II).
Torch, W., Abstract, Invited Presentation at American Academy of Neurology, Sports Concussion Conference, Denver Convention Center, Denver, Colorado, July 24-26, 2015, entitled, “Progressive Limbic Anterograde Transynaptic Degeneration (LATND): A Neuro-pathological and Neuro-Radiological Biomarker in Hippocampal Disease and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)-Induced Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy and Dementia”,
Torch, W., Abstract, Invited Presentation at American Academy of Neurology, Sports Cocussion Conference, Denver Convention Center, Denver, Colorado, July 24-26, 2015, entitled, “Progressive Limbic Anterograde Transynaptic Degeneration (LATND): A Neuro-pathological and Neuro-Radiological Biomarker in Hippocampal Disease and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)-Induced Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy and Dementia”.
Torch, W., Invited Speech and Poster Presentation at Sarah Jane Brain iHope Foundation, New York, N.Y., July 29, 2015, entitled, “Progressive Limbic Anterograde Transynaptic Degeneration (LATND): A Neuro-pathological and Neuro-Radiological Biomarker in Hippocampal Disease and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)-Induced CTE and its Relation to Child Abuse ”.
Torch, W., Invited Key Note Speaker at “Think Big Summit Conference and Festival on Innovation”, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, August 20-23, 2015.
Torch, W., Abstract submitted and tentatively accepted for Poster Presentation at U.S. Congress of Psychiatry and Mental Health, San Diego, California, September 11, 2015, entitled, “Progressive Limbic Anterograde Transynaptic Degeneration (LATND): A Neuro-Pathological and Neuro-Radiological Biomarker in Hippocampal Disease and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)-Induced Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy and Dementia”.
Torch, WC, “System and Method for Monitoring Eye Movement”, U.S. Patent No. RE39,539, Application 11/097,942, Filed April 1, 2005, Issued April 3, 2007.
Torch, WC, “System and Method for Monitoring Eye Movement”, U.S. Patent No. 6,542, 081B2, Issued April 1, 2003.
Torch, WC, “Method and Apparatus for Voluntary Communication;” U.S. Patent No. 6,246,344, Issued June 12, 2001
Torch, WC, “System and Method for Communication Using Eye Movement; U.S. Patent No. 6,163,281, Issued Nov. 20, 2000.
Torch, WC, “Method and Apparatus for Communication”; U.S. Patent No. 5,748,113, Issued May 5, l998.
Other U.S. & Foreign Patents and Trademarks: A listing of over 120 more Trademarks, U.S. and Foreign Patents Issued and/or Pending, relating to Eye-Com/Eyefluence Biosensor, Communicator and Controller eye tracking technology is available on request. U.S. Registered Trademarks include: Eye-Com®, Eye-Com® Eye-Mouse®, Eye-Com® Eye-See®, Eye-Com® Rumble® Seat, HawkEye®.
For up-to-date information on Eye-Com/Eyefluence technology and its current and future wearable- or remote-eye tracking eyeglass, HMD/HUD Applied and Virtual Reality applications (e.g. civilian, commercial and military/security, bio-medical, cognitive/human factor and performance evaluation, simulator/ transportation safety, assistive communication- controller [AAC] disability enabling apps, video-gaming, computer software/robotic/wheelchair control, etc.), please search the Google internet website (keywords Dr. William C. Torch, Eye-Com Corporation, Eyefluence, etc.).
“On The Threshold of a Dream”, The Story of the Eye-Com Biosensor, Communicator & Controller, by Susan Cushing, in MD NEWS, Reno/ Tahoe/ Northern Nevada/Eastern Sierra Edition, pp. 4-10 July/August 2008.
“Crossing The Threshold: When Dreams Become Reality”, by Lee Ky Good, David Reichert and William C. Torch, in MD NEWS, Reno/Tahoe/Northern Nevada/Eastern Sierra Edition, pp. 4-6, September/October, 2010.
“Eyes on the Future”, by Hillary Myers, Editor, in MD NEWS, National and Reno/Tahoe/Northern Nevada/Eastern Sierra Editions, pp. 12-13, April, 2010.
“In the Blink of an Eye: Wireless Drowsiness Detector Will Soon be Preventing Accidents” by Barbara Ruppert, TATRC Technology and Science Writer, in The Point, U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command Newsletter, pp. 20-21, Winter 2009.
“In the Blink of an Eye: Researchers Hope Eye-Tracking Devices Could Help Prevent Accidents by Fighter Pilots, Convoy Drivers and Other Military Personnel” by Barbara Ruppert, TATRC Technology and Science Writer, in Military Medical/CBRN Technology, pp. 10-11, December 2009, Vol.13, Issue 8.
“Entrepreneur of the Year 2008 Honoring Innovation, Medium Sized Business; Doctors Invention Helps Patients Gain Mobility”, In Reno Gazette Journal, March 9, 2008, in Business Section, p 1, 11A-12A.
Commentary by Sen. Harry Reid, In Congressional Record, US Senate Proceedings, Sept, 26, 2006.
“In The Blink of an Eye” by Laura Cianci, In Nevada Business Weekly, October, 2006.
“Drowsiness Invention Uses Innovation Funds: Small Nevada Business Rank Low”, by Banning, in Reno Gazette Journal, p. D-1, June, l8, 2002.
“The Inventor Next Door: Independent Tinkerers: The soul of new inventions are finding it harder to take heart,” by C. Hawn and M. Boland, in FORBES ASAP, Summer 2002 Edition, pp. 660-72
“Business Briefing: Enabling the Doctor-Inventor Role in Medical Instrument Design,” by P. Sampson, Instruments Technology, Inc., In: Global Healthcare, Issue 3, pp. 1-3, 2002.
“Inventors in Nevada: A local group of inspired men and women form the Nevada Inventor’s Association,” by M. Sion, in Reno News and Review, Vol. 6, no. 46, p. 11-15, December 7, 2000.
“Inventor Tackle Mankind’s Troubles: a number of major issues facing northern Nevada,” by D.Cox, in Reno Gazette Journal (l999/2000 Millenium Edition), January 1, 2000.
Insight and Inspiration: How Businesses Succeed, The Blue Chip Enterprise award, 2000 Edition, Nevada, “They Sleep Better at Night: Story of the NeuroDevelopmental and NeuroDiagnostic Center & the Washoe Sleep Disorders Center”, p. 138
“Device Summons Help with the Blink of an Eye,” by Phil Barber, In Reno Gazette Journal, p. D-1, November 27, l998.
“Reno Doctor’s Device Could Save Drivers in the Blink of an Eye,” by P. Barber, In Reno Gazette Journal, p. C-1, July 5, l998.
“Don’t Take Sleep Disorders Lying Down: The Story of the Washoe Sleep Disorders Center”, by C.M. Smyth, in MD NEWS, Nevada/ California issue, February 1996.
(Torch et al, Others pending)
Vista IP Matter No. | Cntry | Title | Inventors | Serial No. (Filing Date) | Patent No. Issue Date
Status |
EYE-001 WO | WO | System and Method for Communication Using Eye Movement | Torch | PCT/US99/ 14248 (6/23/99) | WO 99/67757 (12/29/99) | Expired. |
EYE-001 | US | System and Method for Communication Using Eye Movement | Torch | 09/104,258 (6/24/98) | 6,163,281 (12/19/00) | Expired. |
EYE-002 | US | System and Method for Communication Using Eye Movement | Torch | 09/740,738 (12/18/00) |
6,542,081 (4/1/03)
Expired. |
EYE-002 R | US | System and Method for Communication Using Eye Movement | Torch | 11/097,942 (4/1/05) | Re 39,539 (4/3/07) | Expired. |
EYE-002.1 R | US | System and Method for Communication Using Eye Movement | Torch | 11/732,828 (4/3/07) |
Re 41,376 (6/15/10)
Expired. |
EYE-002.2 R | US | System and Method for Communication Using Eye Movement | Torch | 12/199,693 (8/27/08) | Re 42,471 (6/21/11) | Expired. |
EYE-005 | US | Method and Apparatus for Voluntary Communication | Torch | 08/978,100 (11/25/97) | 6,246,344 (6/12/01) | Expired. |
EYE-006 | US | Method and Apparatus for Communication | Torch | 08/699,670 (8/19/96) | 5,748,113 (5/5/98) | Expired. |
EYE-007 | US | Biosensors, Communicators, and Controllers Monitoring Eye Movement and Methods for Using Them | Torch | 11/096,544 (4/1/05) | 7,488,294 (2/10/09) | Issued. |
EYE-007 CN | CN | Biosensors, Communicators, and Controllers Monitoring Eye Movement and Methods for Using Them | Torch | 2005 80017565.x (4/1/05) | CN 1960670 (2/23/11) | Issued. |
EYE-008 AU | AU | Biosensors, Communicators, and Controllers Monitoring Eye Movement and Methods for Using Them | Torch | 2005229076 (4/1/05) |
AU 2005 229076 B2 (1/5/12)
Issued. |
EYE-008 CA | CA | Biosensors, Communicators, and Controllers Monitoring Eye Movement and Methods for Using Them | Torch | 2561287 (4/1/05) | Pub. as CA 2561287 A1 (10/13/05) | Pending. |
EYE-008 CN | CN | Biosensors, Communicators, and Controllers Monitoring Eye Movement and Methods for Using Them | Torch | 2012 10124958.2 (4/1/05) | CN 10267016 3B (4/13/16) | Issued. |
EYE-008 EP | EP | Biosensors, Communicators, and Controllers Monitoring Eye Movement and Methods for Using Them | Torch | 05762440.5 (4/1/05) | EP 1,755,441 (11/4/15) | Issued. |
EYE-008 IN | IN | Biosensors, Communicators, and Controllers Monitoring Eye Movement and Methods for Using Them | Torch | 2754/ KOLNP/ 2013 (9/16/13) | Pending. | |
EYE-008.3 JP | JP | Biosensors, Communicators, and Controllers Monitoring Eye Movement and Methods for Using Them | Torch | 2015- 002633 (1/8/15) | Pub. as 2015- 109984 (6/18/15) | Pending. |
EYE-008 KR | KR | Biosensors, Communicators, and Controllers Monitoring Eye Movement and Methods for Using Them | Torch | 10-2006- 7022734 (4/1/05) |
10- 1049605 (7/8/11) |
Issued. |
EYE-008 MX | MX | Biosensors, Communicators, and Controllers Monitoring Eye Movement and Methods for Using Them
Torch | MX/a/2010/ 000976 (4/1/05) |
285742 (4/15/11)
Issued. |
EYE-008 WO | WO | Biosensors, Communicators, and Controllers Monitoring Eye Movement and Methods for Using Them | Torch | PCT/US05/ 11104 (4/1/05) | Pub. as WO 2005/ 094667 (10/13/05) | Expired. |
EYE-009 | US | Biosensors, Communicators, and Controllers Monitoring Eye Movement and Methods for Using Them | Torch | 12/687,125 (1/13/10) | Pending. | |
EYE-014 | US | Systems and Methods for Identifying Gaze Tracking Scene Reference Locations | Publicover Torch Amayeh Leblanc | 13/113,003 (5/20/11) | 8,885,877 (11/11/14) | Issued. |
EYE-014.1 | US | Systems and Methods for | Publicover | 14/537,823 | 9,405,365 | Issued. |
Identifying Gaze Tracking Scene Reference Locations | Torch Amayeh Leblanc | (11/10/14) | (8/2/16)
EYE-014 CA | CA | Systems and Methods for Identifying Gaze Tracking Scene Reference Locations | Publicover Torch Amayeh Leblanc | 2,836,777 (5/19/12) | Pub. as CA 2,836- 777 A1 (11/29/12)
Pending. |
EYE-014 CN | CN | Systems and Methods for Identifying Gaze Tracking Scene Reference Locations | Publicover Torch Amayeh Leblanc | 2012 80034239X (5/19/12) | Pub. as CN 10374859 8A (4/23/14) | Pending. |
EYE-014 EP | EP | Systems and Methods for Identifying Gaze Tracking Scene Reference Locations | Publicover Torch Amayeh Leblanc | 12789562.1 (5/19/12) |
Pub. as EP 2,710,516 (3/26/14) |
Pending. |
EYE-014 IN | IN | Systems and Methods for Identifying Gaze Tracking Scene Reference Locations | Publicover Torch Amayeh Leblanc | 3780/ KOLNP/ 2013 (5/19/12) | Pending. | |
EYE-014 JP | JP | Systems and Methods for Identifying Gaze Tracking Scene Reference Locations | Publicover Torch Amayeh Leblanc | 2014- 512905 (5/19/12) | Pub. as JP 2014- 520314 (8/21/14) | Pending. |
EYE-014 WO | WO | Systems and Methods for Identifying Gaze Tracking Scene Reference Locations | Publicover Torch Amayeh Leblanc | PCT/ US12/ 038743 (5/19/12) | Pub. as WO 2012/ 162204 (11/29/12) | Expired. |
EYE-015 | US | Systems and Methods for Measuring Reactions of Head, Eyes, Eyelids and | Publicover Torch | 13/113,006 (5/20/11) | 8,911,087 (12/16/14) | Issued. |
Pupils | ||||||
EYE-015.1 | US | Systems and Methods for Measuring Reactions of Head, Eyes, Eyelids and Pupils | Publicover Torch | 14/569,303 (12/12/14) | Pub. as 2016/ 0166190 (6/16/16) | Pending. |
EYE-015 CA | CA | Systems and Methods for Measuring Reactions of Head, Eyes, Eyelids and Pupils | Publicover Torch | 2,836,779 (5/19/12) |
Pub as CA 2,836,779 A (11/29/12) |
Pending. |
EYE-015 CN | CN | Systems and Methods for Measuring Reactions of Head, Eyes, Eyelids and Pupils | Publicover Torch | 2012 800342440 (5/19/12) | Pub. as CN 10374859 9A (4/23/14) | Pending. |
EYE-015 EP | EP | Systems and Methods for Measuring Reactions of Head, Eyes, Eyelids and Pupils | Publicover Torch | 12789063.0 (5/19/12) |
Pub. as EP 2,710,515 (3/26/14) |
Pending. |
EYE-015 IN | IN | Systems and Methods for Measuring Reactions of Head, Eyes, Eyelids and Pupils | Publicover Torch | 3779/ KOLNP/ 2013 (5/19/12) | Pending. | |
EYE-015 JP | JP | Systems and Methods for Measuring Reactions of Head, Eyes, Eyelids and Pupils | Publicover Torch | 2014- 512906 (5/19/12) | Pub. as JP 2014- 515291 (6/30/14) | Pending. |
EYE-015 WO | WO | Systems and Methods for Measuring Reactions of Head, Eyes, Eyelids and Pupils | Publicover Torch | PCT/ US12/ 038744 (5/19/12) | Pub. as WO 2012/ 162205 (11/29/12) | Expired. |
EYE-016 | US | Systems and Methods for
Publicover | 13/290,948 | 8,929,589 | Issued. |
High-Resolution Gaze Tracking | Torch Spitler | (11/7/11) |
EYE-016.1 | US | Systems and Methods for High-Resolution Gaze Tracking | Publicover Torch Spitler | 14/587,991 (12/31/14) | 9,390,326 (7/12/16) | Issued. |
EYE-016.2 | US | Systems and Methods for High-Resolution Gaze Tracking | Publicover Torch Spitler | 15/206,670 (7/10/16) | Pending. | |
EYE-016 CN | CN | Systems and Methods for High-Resolution Gaze Tracking | Publicover Torch Spitler | 2012 80065734.7 (11/7/12) | Pub. as CN 10409428 0A (10/8/14) | Pending. |
EYE-016 EP | EP | Systems and Methods for High-Resolution Gaze Tracking | Publicover Torch Spitler | 12847904.5 (11/7/12) |
Pub. as EP 2,776,978 (9/17/14) |
Pending. |
EYE-016 JP | JP | Systems and Methods for High-Resolution Gaze Tracking | Publicover Torch Spitler | 2014- 541208 (11/7/12) |
Pub. as JP 2014- 532542 (12/8/14) |
Pending. |
EYE-016 KR | KR | Systems and Methods for High-Resolution Gaze Tracking | Publicover Torch Spitler | 10-2014- 7015587 (11/7/12) | Pub. as KR 10- 2014- 0099899 (8/13/14) | Pending. Request for Examination due 11/7/17. Assigned to Eyefluence. |
EYE-016 WO | WO | Systems and Methods for High-Resolution Gaze Tracking | Publicover Torch Spitler | PCT/ US12/ 063973 (11/7/12) | Pub. as WO 2013/ 070788 (5/19/13) | Expired. |